1·"The Wandering Falcon" is not a long book.
2·It gives me a sense of achievement when I make it to the end of a very long book.
3·Stewart : It's a semi-long book.
4·The list of discoveries by " accident" could fill a long book;
这些“ 偶然”的发现能够写成一本长书。
5·Well it would have to be a very long book to keep you amused for 520 days.
6·The archy ceilings, the long book shelves and the white decorations have made this store into a capsule.
7·Take the road you came,' she answered, ensconcing herself in a chair, with a candle, and the long book open before her.
8·Pevsner's many publications are summarised and assessed. This is a long book, crammed with detail, but its chapters are short and well-paced.
9·Why did you put your book The Buried Giant aside for so long?
10·Why did you put your book, The Buried Giant, aside for so long?